Archive Mode. Call 2024 Glenwood Avenue Arts Festival ended on 8/11/25, 11:59 PM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls
Jemsy has always been inclined towards creativity, yet, has never considered fine arts her passion. One day during Covid, she saw a few sketchbooks and unopened sharpies in her room. This was the moment in which boredom sparked inspiration. Over time, with much practice, she came to find such an activity to be fulfilling and meaningful, which allowed for peace and balance in her life. George Surrat, Picasso, Gawx and other graffiti artists are where Jemsy’s inspiration lies. Picasso is a basic example, but his abstract concepts are very influential. His pieces defined the means of a black outline over a regular design, which is predominantly the type of art I create. With this Jemsy was able to develop her own style revolving around color and detail. Jemsy’s technique uses markers, colored pencils, and paint markers. Her style encompasses concepts of eclectic surrealism, animations/cartoons, and graffiti. These designs make her feel as though she is creating something thought provoking, that the complexities involving her detail and color portray depth. This is because the viewer needs to take more than one look to fully interact with the piece. Art has allowed for her to progress in comprehension, imagination, and skills. She aspires to constantly explore, express, and inspire.