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Yvette Wesley Art: Sista Dolls

Yvette Wesley Art: Sista Dolls, Paint
Yvette Wesley Art: Sista Dolls
As an artist, my work reflects the celebration of life that I see every day in the resilient and vulnerable souls of young Black girls and women. Whether working in acrylic paint on canvas or colored pencil on toned paper, my artwork range from figurative to abstract and a blending of the two. The use of colors, from vibrant saturated tones to soft pastels, sings in harmony with the subject. Influenced by Afrofuturism, nature, and urban environments around me, I incorporate bright splashes of color and sharp directional lines that are embodied with action and movement as it carries you across the canvas. Sista Dolls is an extension of my art, with the belief of providing young Black girls
with dolls and art that reflect their own appearance instills confidence, self-worth, and acceptance of their own beauty. My latest projects have been my greatest joy to bring into existence, sticker art and coloring books that celebrate and affirm Black girls and women.

Paint    https://yvettewesley...   

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Yvette Wesley Art: Sista Dolls