Archive Mode. Call 2024 Glenwood Avenue Arts Festival ended on 8/11/25, 11:59 PM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls

Jenna Rae Art & Jasmyne Robertson (shared Booth)

Jenna Rae Art & Jasmyne Robertson (shared Booth), Print/Paper
Jenna Rae Art & Jasmyne Robertson (shared Booth)
I’m a multimedia artist with a small Linoprint studio in Rogers Park. My work focuses on bright colors and joyful motifs. I like to have a variety of merch at festivals for everyone’s budget. Alongside hand printed cards and tote bags, I create one of a kind garments and collages from recycled materials. Glenwood provides a chance to not only share and sell my art, but to connect one on one with my community and neighbors.

Print/Paper    https://jennaraemake...   

Booth Name
Jenna Rae Art